Master of the Great Cosmic Healing

Consciousness is an instrument that is used as self-healing and does not require any technical skills or any other type of preparation.
Great Cosmic Healing is a simple initiation and practice
self-healing, which is learned and practiced very quickly because it is not a technique.
This is a refined but simple tool;
it heals seriously, truly from psycho-physical disorders.
Eros Ferrari (Sulewal) was born in Italy in 1969.
At 23 he started his successful career abroad
but over time he realizes that he was losing his light
with which he left Italy and became a traveler with a soul;
become master of the Great Healing and Cosmic Consciousness.

This Master is perfect for those in need
urgent to keep fit; relaxes, calms and detoxifies
the nervous system and set the frequency
of the brain in waves of healing and psychophysical balance,
thanks to the ability that Consciousness has to do Cosmic Healing.

– Contact the Cosmic Light and begin the Great Cosmic Healing.
– Purification of Karma, and Cosmic DNA Activation.
– Activation, open, and alignment of the chakras and the energy body.
– Heal serious energies imbalances and spiritual blockages.
– Learn how to heal yourself,

with self-healing practice and how to activate the life force of light;

for perfect well-being.

• Optional:
• Detoxification with great liquid cosmic healing
• Large protective cosmic healing amulet

Book your Master even from distance!!!
In just 2 sessions of 2 hours each.
WhatssApp +6281238334172

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